Winter is coming to an end, and you’re ready for all things spring! Bright colors, fresh air, pretty flowers and clean and clutter free surfaces.
When spring arrives, it brings with it the feeling of a new start. Its as if all of the things that felt tired and old are ready to be infused with hope and sunshine!
Here are some of my favorite ways to get your home ready for spring!

If you haven’t already, take down all of your Christmas and winter decor. Just doing that makes your house feel instantly cleaner.
Now, go back through each room of your house. Feels better already, right! But, I’m going to guess you have acquired some extra clutter over the winter. Go through and get rid of the things you don’t need, don’t use or don’t want.
This doesn’t mean you have to go through every drawer, box and crevice. Just go through and look around your rooms, tossing your extras in a box.
For example before you put them up for the spring, go through your coats, hats, gloves, etc. If you didn’t use it this winter, consider donating it!
Here is one of my favorite ways to declutter. Get rid of 20 things from every room of your house. Don’t leave the room until you’ve chosen 20 things and put them in a box. Now, take the box to the Salvation Army!
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Now that you have moved and gotten rid of all of the clutter, begin to look around your house with an eye to decorate.
With winter being over, it may be time to update some of the soft textiles in your house. Replace the dark colored throws and pillows in your living room with neutral or light colored ones. Switch out your heavy comforters for light coverlets. Put your spring hand towels in the bathrooms and kitchen.
Another way to spruce up your kitchen is to get some bright flowers to put on the table. Trader Joes has great little bundles of pretty flowers for $3.99. Or, pick up a bulb plant in a glass vase from Aldi. They typically get these in during the spring months, and they last for a long time!
When I’m feeling extra fancy, I put flowers in my bathrooms and the bedrooms too. It just makes the whole room cheery!
And finally, hang a spring wreath on your door. Put a new doormat down. If the weather permits, get a planter with spring flowers to put on your porch.
Spring Clean
If you want to really make your house showcase ready, get out your cleaning tools. Spring cleaning seems to bring with it a sense of hope and a fresh start. Plus, it is a chance to do all those tasks you have been meaning to get around to.
In addition to all the normal cleaning tasks like scrubbing bathrooms and washing floors, here is the bare minimum that I do to when I spring clean:
- Dust all of the surfaces in house. I’ll bet that there is a thick layer of dust where you took down that Christmas village. Get out a dusting rag, and go through your home, wiping off window ledges, mantles, tables, shelves, dressers, picture frames and wherever else the dust has settled.
- Wipe down any ceiling fan blades. Here is a little trick for this. Take a pillowcase and put around the fan blade. Then, with your hand on the top of the fan blade, pull the pillowcase off while wiping the dust into the pillowcase as you do. Now, all of the dust is inside the pillowcase! Remember to turn it inside out and shake it outside before you wash it.
- Wash your windows. Seriously, you won’t believe the amount of grime on them! Your house will fill with so much more spring sunshine once your windows are clean.
- Especially if you have kids, wipe down your kitchen chairs. Mine get covered in food daily, but often get a quick wipe down. But during spring cleaning, I like to REALLY scrub them down to get every last bit of junk off.
- Clear everything off of your kitchen counters and wipe them down. Maybe only put half of it back on and store the rest in your cupboards, making your kitchen look instantly bigger!
- Vacuum the edges of the carpets with an edging tool.
- Clean out your fireplace. Get all that soot and ash out now that you’re done using the fireplace for the season.
If you’re wondering what the 5 best tools are for cleaning your house quickly and easily, check out this post!
Now, your house is ready for spring!
You have new doormats, clean floors and decluttered surfaces!
Seeing all of these tasks listed out may seem overwhelming, but really, its only a few minutes or so in each room of your house.
If you’re someone who needs the gratification of seeing something entirely done, go room by room, decluttering, cleaning and redecorating all in one. Or, if you’re the more methodical type, go task by task, getting all of the dusting done in the house, then all of the redecorating, etc.
Once the work is done, you’ll feel so much better, knowing that your home is ready for spring, and any unexpected visitors that the nice weather brings to your doorstep!